After sharing a fantastic girl's morning out with my best friend, we started talking fitness and she shared this amazing story that I'll share with you. But first, take at look at this shake…
I got this recipe from Kelly's blog,
Not bad, but today I "tweaked" it a little. I put in vanilla protein powder and 1/4 cup of skim milk. It looked creamier like this…
My other girlfriend makes veggie shakes for her kids because they don't like eating veggies in her house. Why not? Gotta have 'em.
Okay, are you full of suspense? This lady is remarkable. I hear that she gets up at 2:30 am, starts by reading her scriptures and then goes for a run before hitting the gym- she's 76 by now! And she started when she was 50, after her sister died. Okay people, what's our excuse? We are probably gonna live a long life, so why not give ourselves every opportunity to be the best we can be - with faith, good works, eating right and exercise! luv ya ;)
Here's her site -
Let's all be happy in our journey…if you need to, begin today! Way to be Ernestine!