Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I hope everyone had a pleasant Mother's day. I know some of you get down on yourselves on this day. Never fear, I would think that all good Mom's want to be better. (If you feel you need improvement, well sista...we all do!)

There is a hymn we sing at church, (Oh My Father), that reminds me that we have a Heavenly Home. That one day when God calls us back, we will be reunited with a Heavenly Father and a Heavenly Mother in a warm embrace. Remember, this is us, attending school, getting the best grades possible and then returning home. So, if you need improvement, or your own Mom does...there's hope and there's a Mom waiting for you who loves you more than we can understand.

So, for Mother's Day, one of my little girls saw this cute idea on the is not my own, but there are many out there to choose from.  I used cream soda pop and a cake mix for the cupcakes, and a swiss meringue icing. These little critters just wanted to fall off no matter how many toothpicks were inserted. I believe the trick to this bouquet is to eat it fast!

We actually used 3 toothpicks. I stabbed them and then placed them on the bouquet, then iced them. haha! but no, they still fell off.

The finished project until we drove to Grandma's and two fell off. 

So, I chose to have a great day, and I did. I am seeing that happiness is a choice...happy journey to you!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

My favorite breakfast these days

Hi everyone! I have been away and I have been busy. We did some travelling (which I plan on posting some pics later) but I really just wanted to share with you my newest breakfast fav.

I have been juicing - and I LOVE it! But I decided not to purchase a juicer. When I watched the online videos comparing juicers I realized that my Vitamix blender and a nut bag (this is truly a bag that is finer than a cheesecloth and acts like a strainer-which I found at my nearest health food store) well, combined they produced the clearest juice. Plus my nut bag cost less than $8 and that was totally affordable.

Then, as I was walking through Chapters/Indigo with my girls I discovered Molly Sims new book. Inside was this amazing recipe for a green detox smoothie. Note- this is not a juice but I totally love it! My two girls love it too, which is saying something. My husband is not so fond of it...yet!

Molly also has a website/blog if you're interested. 

Well, until next time - let's continue to find happiness in our journey...