Wednesday, August 22, 2012

B.C. to Brian's Memorial and then Seattle

Hi Everyone, sorry not to have blogged sooner but we were holidaying. Here are some great shots of Seattle and our adventures.

First we made our way to British Columbia to visit the memorial of my late husband and best friend, Brian Tilley. The cross was erected by the road, just down from the crash site. This was a very difficult and sad time for all of us. Following this, we made our way to his former boss and socialized a little there. Wonderful people!

Our Sweet Brian.

Safeco Baseball Field.

This Little Piggy...was selling lunch in the parking lot?

(My husband's head is in this picture!) Here is the market we visited in Seattle. It was wonderful there. Fresh flowers, food, and yes, gum!

This gum wall was more disgusting than I had originally thought. It was smelly too. Most of the gum was a freshly bought piece. (They should really have a gum store in this alley...they'd make a lot of $$$$ here)

This was by far the most disgusting part of the alley. These hanging gum gooos..

But, I hadn't travelled this far, to visit this alley, without also participating in the gum wall phenomenon! 

Fresh made cheese.

A vendor with some unusual umbrellas.

Then we took the train to the Space Needle.

Another look at the Space Needle

A peek at the EMP (?) from the train.

Our girls called this the Smurf section, as all the trees were blue.

And then, of course we visited the Seattle Temple. What a beautiful site.

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