Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Art of Being a Woman

My husband and I watched "Chasing Mavericks" and when it was over I found myself crying. Selfishly crying.

Sometimes I stop and recognize that my life is "going on" without him. Other days his memory hits me so hard it throws me and I come crashing down. This boy, this character, reminded me of my Brian. Always smiling, seeing the positive, the good in others, knowing how we (him and I) were meant to be together, (his curly hair), a love for life, adventurous - and even when the negative bullies were cruel in his life he was still kind to them, encouraging them to "ride the wave". Interesting how in my life I have said that we "ride the wave of grief".

Being a woman is glorious. We are emotional and sensitive and these can feel like a blessing and a curse. If we did not cry and hurt - would we see the good in others? Would we reach out and help someone else who is crying? Good women are helpful and sincere.

I have been reaching out to people in my life more. I have moved past the prideful days of negative hurt and expectation. (That does not say it will not try and hit me again and tempt me) I was the girl/woman who sat hurting in the back wanting someone to reach out and help me up, talk to me and listen, but then rejecting them and finding fault. We are all here to learn and grow. I feel I am growing now. I feel the need to reach out, to help others and get them talking. When we open up, truly, without embarrassment is when we connect. As women, (and obviously I am not a man so I cannot speak on their behalf) when we share is when we connect and when we connect is when we can help.

People die everyday.  Friends get sick and suffer. Neighbours and loved ones suffer from emotional "stuff" and hide away. I have found that we are all so much a like. The secret emotional thoughts you may have had, someone else may have felt that too, even if, when looking at them they seem so "put together" and maybe they are. Have you considered that they may have come from a dark and hurtful place but have risen above? Are conquering the adversary? Are recognizing their self worth? And maybe they may have something they could share with you too? Help you to rise above so that in turn you can help another in the future?

What a beautiful place we live in. If I could be so bold to everyone out there it would be for you to pray and ask - "help me to be all that I was sent here to be". If we all shared, if we all connected, if we all lived by just the simple 10 commandments or better yet even the simple golden rule of : "Do unto others as you would have done unto you",  also  "LOVE ONE ANOTHER", wow! What a more glorious place to live!

Remember, let's be happy on this journey! =>

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