Thursday, December 17, 2015

My Variety of Food Choices

Because of the lack of posting I have been doing as of late, I wanted to share with you some pictures of some of the things I have been trying or just enjoying in the last few months. These are all just about food, I noticed but the range is crazy!


Juicing. I love to juice. It sets me right for the beginning of my day and then I try super hard to squeeze in a simple 1/2 hour - 45 min workout when I'm not too beat.

I bought the Omega juicer and it's fabulous.

One morning I woke up at 4 am and couldn't get any more sleep... so I made some carrot, orange (and other mysterious ingredients) for my sleeping family.  Here is a fantastic link to the site I use daily. Just type in what ingredients you have at home and it will find you a juice to make. Or, type in the health condition you're concerned about and see their suggestions.


Our stove top stopped working a few weeks before Christmas and we had to pull out the camp stove. What did I decide to do? Make mac n cheese? Nope. Let's make homemade Asian food. Had I done it before? No. I seem to like to make my life more challenging. lol

I found this link to be super helpful. SeonkyoungLongest


I love making these homemade Butterhorns. But they sure like to stay with me and my mid section.

And lastly,

I tried a new recipe for my pie crust. Not the best looking but much more tasty than mine. (Although, with my old one I can shape it nicely) That's okay. I will keep experimenting. Although I tend to try new recipes when company is coming. Do you do that too? Or are you smarter and do a run through first?

I did, however, love how my meringue turned out.

TIP - use lemon juice and clean ALL your tools when making meringue or it will NOT turn out.

If you follow me in Instagram - ahhh_net- you may have already seen these posts.

Enjoy this journey called Life!

Crate Christmas Decoration

This Christmas I just had to paint. It wasn't much but I sure am missing my home decor projects now that I homeschool. (Which is why my blogging has sloooowwwwed down considerably)

I love this crate one of my daughters helped me make.

First, you kinda need a newer Cricut. I tried with my old one and it didn't work. Mind you, there are many more crafty people than I out there so if you can do it - do it!

I bought my crate at Michael's with the 50% off coupon. Love those coupons. =)

Here is the chalk paint I used on my crate. It was my first experience with chalk paint. Not bad. Rather nice indeed.

Then I went in to circuit craft room and purchased for $0.99 the Polar Tree Farms, cut it out of vinyl,  pulled the letters out, (kept the letter inserts- for the 'a' the 'e' the 'p' and the 'o'), stuck my vinyl where I wanted it...and then got a phone call! ahhhh! My daughter stuck the rest on and we started painting in the black. (When I got off the phone I realized that the letters should have been closer together, but hey, I am a busy momma and it still worked)

I used a small sponge brush and a little paint at a time so that it wouldn't run through the vinyl. We took the it off right away and let the paint dry. Next, use a light grit (but not too light) sand paper to run over the letters afterwards to make it look a little worn.

Hope you have fun with your painting journey!

Christmas Mitten Cookies

Hi Everyone,

So, in my attempt to make a special cookie for my cute little 4 year old sunbeam class (I teach them Sunday school at church...they are adorable!) I found these little cute snowmen cookies from Hungry Happenings.

 However, because I am a super busy mom and I didn't have enough time to do this, I improvised to make things easier.

First I ran to the Bulk Barn store and found these peppermint candies

Once home, I crushed them in my Vitamix blender (with the dry container) because I do not own a food processor. (Note- use the baby spoon when filling your cookie)

I made my dough and had to run I stuck it in the fridge and made these cute Wilton mittens and some gingerbread men when I got home. Recipe below...

Sorry to say, this was the reject. I packed up the cookies all prettily and my kids gobbled down the rest before I even thought to take a picture! 

To make the cookies:

Recipe (which came from my friend Pam F and I love it!)

1 cup butter
1 1/2 cup icing sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp almond extract (really makes the cookies taste super yum)

 Mix the first 5 ingredients then blend in the following:

1 tsp baking soda
2 1/2 cups of four
1 tsp cream of tartar

Cover and chill for 2-3 hours (I left mine for maybe 1 1/2 hours) Divid in half and roll out. about 1/4" thick.

TIP - roll out on counter sprinkled with icing sugar instead of flour.

Bake at 375' for 7-8 min. Watch them. As your oven gets hotter they may be done sooner. They should be lightly browned.

Now, for the cookies above I baked them for about 5-6 min, put my crushed candy inside the cookie, and popped it back into the oven for up to 3 min. Watch these. You don't want the candy to bubble, only melt.

Put your decorations inside the cookie as soon as they come out of the oven so that the sprinkles, or snowflakes (whichever you use) can stick to the peppermint candy.

Have fun on your cookie journey!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Why a Savior?


If there were no Savior, I would still have heart ache...amongst all other things.

I'm so happy Jesus Christ was born! 

Enjoy this season of remembering Christ at Christmas...

Saturday, November 21, 2015

We are Children of God

Well, I have come such a long way in my journey since Brian passed. I have had many spiritual blessings, insight, revelation and gifts bestowed to me. I like the way my life is heading. I love coming closer to my Savior. He is my friend.

I feel as Sheri Dew... in her book Women and the Priesthood,
"I love being a Latter-Day Saint woman! I am grateful beyond my ability to express to know that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored. I am grateful for the covenants I've made that bind me to the Lord, and that bind Him to me"

I also feel as she, when she says,
"I'm grateful for the direction and spiritual privileges the gospel provides, including direct access to God's power. I am eternally indebted to the Savior for His Atonement, which is filled with healing and mercy and power for all of God's children, and I have felt His healing-including the healing that brings peace of mind - in my life more times than I can remember. I feel blessed to be alive when His gospel in its fulness is on the earth and when the priesthood has been restored. I hang on the teachings of prophets, seers, and revelators. And I love what the gospel has taught me about the exalted position of women in the eyes of the Lord-in other words, what it has taught me about who I am." (italics added)

I agree whole heartedly!

Another book I just recently finished by Sheri was No One Can Take Your Place.

This too is such a great book. Are you feeling a little lost? Wondering if you matter? Of course you matter! You have been sent here at this time for a specific purpose that only you can fulfill! 

Jesus said, "Ye are gods, and all of you are children of the most High." Psalms 82:6 

I love chapter 2 in Sheri's book Women and the Priesthood! (I have not yet finished the book so I am sure to love many, many more chapters, however...) Often times people not of our faith will criticize why we feel we can become gods. Please keep in mind no one ever said this would happen in this life. You, yes you, can become a god too one day. Look at these simple statements. It really is a simple concept, really, not blasphemous, but honouring our Father in Heaven. Take a look at her quotes:

"When Satan tried to confuse Moses about his identity, saying 'Moses, son of man, worship me," Moses refused, responding: 'I am a son of God.' He knew who he was because the Lord had told him, "Thou art my son;...and I have a work for thee." Moses 1:12-13, 4-6 (emphasis added)

"C.S. Lewis...'The command Be ye perfect is not idealistic gas. Nor is it a command to do the impossible. He is going to make us into creatures that can obey that command...The process will be long and in parts very painful, but that is what we are in for. Nothing less. He meant what he said.'" Lewis, Mere Christianity, 174-75

She quotes Irenaeus, (an early Christian writer), "We have not been made gods from the beginning, but at first merely men, then at length gods."(Her footnotes on this were quite extensive- you'll have to read her book ;)

Here's anther good one from C.S. Lewis, "it is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and goddesses, to remember that the dullest and most uninteresting person you talk to may one day be a creature would be strongly tempted to worship...It is in light of these overwhelming possibilities, it is with awe and circumspection proper to them, that we should conduct all our dealings with one another...There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal." C.S.Lewis, The Weight of Glory and Other Addresses

So, we have a work to do and we can do it. When you pass the veil into the next life and see all your folly, and all your good choices, will you want to be crown with glory from God or not? We don't have to attain perfection in this life. There is no possible way. But, by accepting the Savior's atonement and repenting and growing in truth day by day, that is possible! 


  1. 1. I am a child of God,
    And he has sent me here,
    Has given me an earthly home
    With parents kind and dear.
  2. 2. I am a child of God,
    And so my needs are great;
    Help me to understand his words
    Before it grows too late.
  3. 3. I am a child of God.
    Rich blessings are in store;
    If I but learn to do his will,
    I'll live with him once more.
  4. 4. I am a child of God.
    His promises are sure;
    Celestial glory shall be mine
    If I can but endure.
  5. Chorus
    Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
    Help me find the way.
    Teach me all that I must do
    To live with him someday.
Good luck with the choices you make in your journey!

Friday, August 28, 2015


Hi Everyone!

I am sorry it has taken me so long to post....but here are a few of the pictures as promised from ages ago. I took over...well, so many many pictures that I couldn't decide what to I became lazy in doing it. 

Eiffel Tower - this was so, so beautiful at night.

Jewel Tower=no jewels 

Big Ben is not the clock! You can see the London Eye in the back

My daughter being funny!

Yum-a-licious yogurt! Maybe this is weird but we bought more and kept the containers. (Which I now have rice in and keep my make-up brushes standing in them)

This was the first car I had ever seen that was Bedazzled! 

And an Ombre car!

There is a story behind this...***

We bought a lock and locked in on the bridge, however, now the Mayor is getting rid of all the lock bridges. At least I can say we did it!

Seeing the Mona Lisa was crazy! (The line up was huge and unorganized with people pushing and taking a thousand selfies....)

***The story behind the Father Son Picture....

It was Easter weekend when we went to La Louvre. We had gone to Notre Dame Cathedral that morning.(It was free admission, I'm not sure if it always is..) I was sad to see the Sabbath not observed with the buying and selling of candles, pictures, & pressed coins inside the church. It reminded me of when the Savior was frustrated with merchants at the Temple. We did have our passes for the Louvre, so we too were not perfect on that day. The building was indeed beautiful, quite remarkable. We sat down and gratefully prayed to Heavenly Father for the gift of His Son. I did not feel the Holy Ghost in that building. I am sorry to say. We toured around and then made our way to La Louvre. 

It was soon much larger inside that I figured. The line up was long... Inside we saw so many many beautiful sculptures, pictures - wow! My husband gave me the sign that we had to go and I very quickly made my way through the sculptures. I was walking really fast, actually, but felt the Spirit prompt me to turn around and look at this one in particular, which I immediately did. Tears welled up in my eyes and I felt such a strong witness of the Holy Ghost. (Which job it is to witness of truth )

I have to admit I was a little clueless as to why I felt so moved. My husband was wondering what was up that's for sure. It wasn't until later when I prayerfully considered what this message was that I realized (as I'm sure all my friends out there have already figured out) that Heavenly Father was testifying through His Spirit that He did indeed give His Son. I felt a small portion of how much He loves Jesus Christ (and all of us). It was such a personal wonderful moment to share in that, that I just had to share it with all of you. How often do we truly wonder of the deep and tender love of our Father in Heaven? Just look at how tenderly he is holding his child, the loving look into his son's eyes? 
He spoke to me in a way I would understand. 

My hope is that you are trying hard to be happy in your Journey 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I hope everyone had a pleasant Mother's day. I know some of you get down on yourselves on this day. Never fear, I would think that all good Mom's want to be better. (If you feel you need improvement, well sista...we all do!)

There is a hymn we sing at church, (Oh My Father), that reminds me that we have a Heavenly Home. That one day when God calls us back, we will be reunited with a Heavenly Father and a Heavenly Mother in a warm embrace. Remember, this is us, attending school, getting the best grades possible and then returning home. So, if you need improvement, or your own Mom does...there's hope and there's a Mom waiting for you who loves you more than we can understand.

So, for Mother's Day, one of my little girls saw this cute idea on the is not my own, but there are many out there to choose from.  I used cream soda pop and a cake mix for the cupcakes, and a swiss meringue icing. These little critters just wanted to fall off no matter how many toothpicks were inserted. I believe the trick to this bouquet is to eat it fast!

We actually used 3 toothpicks. I stabbed them and then placed them on the bouquet, then iced them. haha! but no, they still fell off.

The finished project until we drove to Grandma's and two fell off. 

So, I chose to have a great day, and I did. I am seeing that happiness is a choice...happy journey to you!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

My favorite breakfast these days

Hi everyone! I have been away and I have been busy. We did some travelling (which I plan on posting some pics later) but I really just wanted to share with you my newest breakfast fav.

I have been juicing - and I LOVE it! But I decided not to purchase a juicer. When I watched the online videos comparing juicers I realized that my Vitamix blender and a nut bag (this is truly a bag that is finer than a cheesecloth and acts like a strainer-which I found at my nearest health food store) well, combined they produced the clearest juice. Plus my nut bag cost less than $8 and that was totally affordable.

Then, as I was walking through Chapters/Indigo with my girls I discovered Molly Sims new book. Inside was this amazing recipe for a green detox smoothie. Note- this is not a juice but I totally love it! My two girls love it too, which is saying something. My husband is not so fond of it...yet!

Molly also has a website/blog if you're interested. 

Well, until next time - let's continue to find happiness in our journey...

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Say goodbye to Gluten? Whaaat?

No way. I can't believe it! I love wheat! I am doing a trial test (it has only been a week thus far) to see if I am gluten sensitive. My gut feels lighter that's for sure, as well as some of my ailments feel better, by far.

So in searching the web I have found a GF (Gluten Free) chocolate chip cookie recipe (which also uses egg substitute) and I like it. Yum. My sister-in-law says they taste like cookie dough, and who doesn't like cookie dough?

Try these ones from the Food Network:

I haven't as yet tried these but I like the pictures….

these are from all

One thing to be sure of, when it says to spray your open - the first recipe does- you should do it, the cookies will spread out better. (By the way - chocolate has Gluten…look for GF)

One more recipe link and then I must go pick up my homeschool children from their art classes….

Gluten free flour for use in breads, pizza dough and hamburger buns from

I made the bread, but my flour had some homemade substitutions (I had less to work with in my packages and used my vitamin to turn the tapioca and sweet rice into flour) so it was ok but not quite as beautiful and high as hers. (Dang it all cuz I had just mastered my homemade breads a few years ago! Time to start afresh!)

Here is a list I also found on the internet for gluten free chocolate and candies:

Hope you are having fun on your journey…

Always Remembered

This past holiday marked another birthday without Brian. With prayer, and much talking about him over the years, Brian's absence becomes more tolerable. We went to one of the hills we used to go to, ate his most favourite cheesecake and spent time with friends and family that remembered him and honoured him. It was a pleasant day.
Our now missionary boy. 
 Happy birthday to my Brye. He would have been 41.

Our silly and most loveable dog.

My hubby being silly 

Good Golly Miss Molly we have been busy since then! If you remember we had one daughter get married last summer and this New Year's Eve another daughter got engaged! So wedding plans are in full force once again. 

Just over a week ago we sent our one and only son (not including the new son in law of course) off on his mission! (He's in the top picture). Wow. That was really difficult for us. He is serving in the Cordoba, Argentina mission for 2 years for our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He was so excited to go, but there were some strong emotions as we all said goodbye for now. He is a sweet and gentle yet strong and loyal boy who will learn so much and rely on the Saviour so much; returning a man in 2 years. Missionaries get set apart. For the time they serve, they no longer listen to secular music, or watch TV (including sports) they can only call home twice a year but can receive letters and emails weekly. Now we leave him in the Lord's hands and eagerly "see" the growth and development of his testimony. Phew.

The paths we take decide our journey…