Thursday, October 9, 2014


Ok, well I don't like to make it a habit of talking bad about others on my blog, but let's suffice it to say that leaving my children's school to homeschool was a most wonderful decision!

My children and I returned home after an ordeal, and kneeled down to pray. They had just been on an emotional roller coaster. We prayed for the person, and we prayed again for reconfirmation. Seconds after I arose my phone flashed, not once but twice with positive messages about my homeschooling endeavours. Phew!

I had home schooled once with my one of my other children. We tackled it for two years. It was good. In fact, I can see how our relationship grew closer as did her self motivation. My biggest problem was myself. I let others opinions, (which homeschool wasn't super main stream as it is today) affect my thoughts and judgment. I thought she wasn't up to speed with the other kids in a "brick and mortar" school. I worried about how she would grade compared to them. Well, haha no need to have worried, when I placed her back in school, (only because of my worries), she was top of her class with remarkable honours with distinction! Then, when she went on to high school, she entered a PSDL (personal self directed learning) school and there received many scholarships!

So, here I am again tackling homeschool. And as I normally do, I LIKE TO BIT OFF more than I should chew. This time I am teaching my 3 youngest girls. I am working out the transition. HAHAHA!!

I love that I can teach my girls more fully the gospel. No more funky teachers telling my children that good things don't come from God! Crazy. In the mornings, we kneel to pray at the table, sleepy heads leaning on the cushions of the chairs. We have a Book of Mormon study guide that I purchased online and print off pages as we go. I love the conversations we have our thoughts go into deep reflection. How would you feel if your brothers (sisters and brother in our case) beat the snot out of you? And then tried to kill you because you were younger and they did not want you to be a ruler and spiritual leader over them? Would you "frankly forgive them" as Nephi did? (1 Nephi 7:21) Resounding no's I tell you…lol

I knew it would be work, but…I have to read all three girls manuals for math and writing and spelling and and and…then prepare in my mind what I will teach. Luckily, I like the teaching part, once I know the material it is fun to play around with ideas to get us all thinking. But, I am temporarily (?) exhausted.

The exhaustion actually stems from the fighting. Whaaatt? My kids fight? This is the case whenever I have to step out to run an errand or go to voice lessons. The oldest of the three is in grade 7 so I am free to leave them. But seriously? Not only that, but we have some keeners who go so fast that I have to speed read the lesson because I myself haven't read that far ahead and others who like to argue argue argue about getting down to business and lack confidence within themselves (which is entirely unwarranted) and then when they do their work it's fantastic! Geesh. I tell you.

Anyone out there with similar homeschooling experience?

Did I mention that I also started a book club within my ward and with fellow friends? Chew chew chew

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