Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Daddy's wall

The girls and I decided it would be a great idea to have a vinyl quote on their wall of what Daddy used to say to them. Here is a picture of the first wall we did. (This was completed during the family wall project)

We like this on so many levels. Firstly, the lettering looks like stairs that climb to heaven where Daddy is. Secondly, the words are a heavenly colour. Third, the words are light which represents how gently Brian spoke, never harsh or loud. Fourth, at times you can see the words and depending on the light, they become faint. We believe this is like Daddy in is Spirit/angelic form. He is with us and sometimes we feel him and sometimes we can't tell if he is there or not.

In case you can't read what it was that he used to say - it's, "Have you heard the news? I love you." He used to always say that to his little girls. They would giggle and say "We already know that, Daddy!"

On our other daughter's wall we have finished the vinyl but are working on finding the perfect picture. That will be posted at another time.

I hope everyone is getting on well over the holidays. I know that times can be hard. Please hold on to your faith and wait it out.  I wish everyone all the best. Let's remember to be happy in our journey. =)

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