Monday, December 17, 2012

Shooting / Keeping the Faith

Hi everyone. My heart goes out to all those who lost their little children and loved ones this past week in that terrible shooting in the USA. This is often times a most difficult time for some. I cannot express how deeply saddened I am. We are praying for those who were left behind. I am certain there were angels there to comfort those little ones in their passing over to the other side, but that does not replace them in their homes and in the tender hearts of their loved ones.

This past week has been a somber one at netshappyplace. We too are remembering our lost loved one- his birthday is this week. It is hard sometimes to keep faith strong in our Savior Jesus Christ. I must remember that He has felt my pain and the pain of those in Connecticut (and all of you around the world). That He willingly died, a sacrifice for sin, so that we can be cleansed and forgiven and come back home to our Heavenly Father, and our loved ones who have passed. His Atonement is also for our pain. We wait (most times impatiently) to see Daddy again, to feel his gentle hugs and tender words of love. Let's hang on with prayers in our hearts for each other.

Here are a couple videos that you may find helpful. 



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