Tuesday, July 3, 2012




As promised, here is how to make crepes!

1 1/4 cup milk
1 cup flour
1 tbsp butter (there is reduced fat butter, believe it or not. This is what I use)
2 eggs

Optional: (but I always do this. It gives the crepes so much more flavour)
lemon juice

This is where I add the lemon juice right off the bat. I do this so much (But in triplicate, sometimes more - I really don't know how much I put in. Let's say about a tsp. As long as it's not too much, you're good.) You want to sour your milk. 

Then add some vanilla. This depends on your taste buds. We put in a tsp or more, I'd say. You really don't need to be persnickety with this, just pretend you are a master chef!

In a bowl I add my flour, my beaten eggs, then my soured milk (give it a few minutes before you pour it in your bowl to be sure it's curdled), and lastly add your melted butter.

If the bottom of your milk dish looks like this after you've poured it, then you're right on track.

My butter is more than what you would put in as this is X3 for my big family.
Turn your non stick fry pan to medium, but be prepared to turn to medium low/low as your pan gets hotter. 

Your batter should look similar to this before you mix. Blend until there are no lumps. If some occur, it may be because your butter has solidified, that's ok, it'll melt. Just be sure to get all the flour and eggs mixed in. Do not over mix.

You will know your pan is hot enough (good to go) when you flick a few droplets of water into it and they ball up.

I use a big soup ladle to make larger crepes. When the kids are hungry and you're making lots, who has time to stand all night making little ones? =)

As soon as you pour the batter in, you must swivel it in the pan. As you can tell by this, I was a little busy taking the picture and not swivelling properly. ;)

When the edges start to lift off the pan, take a peek. This one isn't quite ready, but close. Then flip. The second side doesn't need as much cooking time; only a few seconds, really.

A very yummy crepe to enjoy. We fill them with eggs, sausage, fruit, ice cream, frozen yogurt. Whatever you desire.

Some yummy frozen yogurt...

then top with chocolate sauce, low fat whip cream (I have only found low fat whipped cream in a can) and fruit...

or scrambled eggs and ham...

I hope you all enjoy these. Let me know how you make out. 

Until then, Be Happy in the Journey!

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm I am SO making this! Great post and thanks for taking such detaild shots, I will need them all to make this happen.
